
For up-to-date publications, please see my Google Scholar profile.

Journal Publications

  1. Amadori, P.V., Fischer, T., Wang, R. and Demiris, Y., “Predicting Secondary Task Performance: A Directly Actionable Metric for Cognitive Overload Detection”. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021.
    Open Access Publisher
  2. Amadori, P.V., Fischer, T. and Demiris, Y., “HammerDrive: A Task-Aware Driving Visual Attention Model”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021.
    Open Access Publisher
  3. Liu, F., Masouros, C., Amadori, P.V. and Sun, H., “An Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1542-1546, Oct. 2017.
    Publisher (Open Access)
  4. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C., “Large Scale Antenna Selection and Precoding for Interference Exploitation”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.65, no.10, pp. 4529 – 4542, October 2017.
    Publisher (Open Access)
  5. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C., “Constant Envelope Precoding by Interference Exploitation in Phase Shift Keying-Modulated Multiuser Transmission”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.16, no.1, pp. 538 - 550, January 2017.
    Publisher (Open Access)
  6. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C., “Interference Driven Antenna Selection for Massive Multi-User MIMO”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.65, no.8, pp. 5944 - 5958, August 2016.
    Publisher (Open Access)
  7. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C., “Low RF-Complexity Millimeter-Wave Beamspace-MIMO Systems by Beam Selection”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2212-2223, June 2015.
    Publisher (Open Access)

Conference Publications

  1. Amadori, P.V., Fischer, T., Wang, R. and Demiris, Y., “Decision Anticipation for Driving Assistance Systems.” 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Open Access Publisher

  2. Wang, R., Ciliberto, C., Amadori, P.V., and Demiris, Y., “Support-guided Adversarial Imitation Learning”, 2019 NeurIPS LIRE Workshop.
  3. Wang, R., Ciliberto, C.,Amadori, P.V., and Demiris, Y., “Random expert distillation: Imitation learning via expert policy support estimation.” 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (pp. 6536-6544). Open Access
  4. Wang, R., Amadori, P.V., and Demiris, Y., “Real-time workload classification during driving using hypernetworks.”, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 3060-3065). Open Access Publisher
  5. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C. “A mixed-integer programming approach to interference exploitation for massive-MIMO.” 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW) Barcelona, (pp. 107-112). Open Access Publisher

  6. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C. “Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding”, 2016 IEEE International workshop on Signal Processing advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Edinburgh. Open Access Publisher
  7. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C. “Power efficient massive MU-MIMO via antenna selection for constructive interference optimization,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, (pp. 1607-1612). Open Access Publisher
  8. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C., “Beam selection techniques in mm-wave communications,” 2015 IET Colloquium on Antennas, Wireless and Electromagnetics, Birmingham, (pp. 1-20) Publisher
  9. Amadori, P.V., and Masouros, C. “Low complexity transceivers in multiuser millimeter-wave beamspace-MIMO systems,” 2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC), Washington DC, (pp. 118-122). Publisher